講到魔力紅,相信喜歡西洋音樂的捧油們對他們這一個當紅的流行搖滾樂團絕對不陌生,由其是它們多首膾炙人口的西洋歌曲,像是"Sugar"就是一首不管是國內外都相當受歡迎的輕快情歌,雖然對於拿鐵來說主唱亞當李維所唱的迷失的繁星(Lost stars)才是拿鐵心中的經典。
而最近魔力紅又再度推出了新的單曲"Girls like you"(像妳一樣的女孩),輕快的旋律加上好記的歌詞,加上MV裡請來了多位在各個領域都享有知名度以及成就的女性捧油,有知名歌手像是已經從五佳人單飛的卡蜜拉以及拉丁天后珍妮佛羅培茲等等、知名演員像是拿鐵知道的神力女超人蓋兒加朵、脫口秀主持人艾倫狄妮,以及一些美國知名的運動選手、政治人物以及社運人士等等在不同領域有著不同成就的女性一起入鏡出現在這隻MV裡,使得這一首單曲一推出就大受歡迎以及好評。
而拿鐵其實比較注意到的是Cardi B這一位美國少見的女性饒舌歌手,拿鐵第一次知道Cardi B是聽到了火星人布魯諾與卡蒂B合作的這一首Finesse,聽完這首歌後的第一個想法就是:真的是個鮮明讓人印象深刻的女性饒舌歌手,打破了拿鐵以往覺得唱饒舌歌曲都是男性歌手天下的刻板印象,其實深入去了解Cardi B這一位歌手的背景還真的滿令人佩服的,她在成名之前曾經是家暴的受害者,還有新聞報導她為了生計曾經當過脫衣舞孃等等很辛苦的工作,但是在一腳踏入HIP HOP界之後,在2017推出的Bodak Yellow這一首歌曲拿下了美國知名的Billboard告示榜的第一名,更是少見以饒舌歌曲拿下Billboard單曲冠軍的女性饒舌歌手;所以這一支魔力紅新推出的單曲Girls like you,Cardi B也出現在這支MV當中不單單是她在這首歌與魔力紅合作演唱副歌饒舌歌詞的部分,拿鐵覺得最重要的就是不為人知的背後她在苦盡甘來前,堅持不自我墮落,努力不懈的精神致使她在美國眾多知名饒舌歌手的領域當中可以佔有一席之地並且還走出自我的獨特風格,成就她如今的不凡。
所以這一首魔力紅與Cardi B合作的"Girls like you"到底有著甚麼樣的魅力呢?我們一起來聽聽吧!
I need more hours with you
You spent the weekend
Getting even, ooh ooh
Making things right, between us
Roll that Backwood baby
And play me close
Run around with guys like me
Love fun, yeah me too
What I want when I come through
Yeah yeah yeah
I need a girl like you, yeah yeah
Yeah yeah yeah
I need a girl like you, yeah yeah
On the last flight to you
Took a whole day up
Trying to get way up, ooh ooh
We spent the daylight
Trying to make things right between us
And now it's all good baby
Roll that Backwood baby
And play me close
Run around with guys like me
'Til sundown, when I come through
I need a girl like you, yeah yeah
Love fun, yeah me too
What I want when I come through
I need a girl like you, yeah yeah
Yeah yeah yeah
I need a girl like you, yeah yeah
Yeah yeah yeah
I need a girl like you, yeah yeah
Maybe I'm barely alive
Maybe you've taken my shit for the last time, yeah
Maybe I know that I'm drunk
Maybe I know you're the one
Maybe I'm thinking it's better if you drive
But every other girl you meet is fugazy
I'm sure them other girls were nice enough
But you need someone to spice it up
Come and rev it up like a Harley, Harley
Why is the best fruit always forbidden?
I'm coming to you now doin' 20 over the limit
The red light, red light stop, stop (skrrt)
I don't play when it comes to my heart (let's get it though)
I don't really want a white horse and a carriage
I'm thinkin' more of a white Porsches and karats
I need you right here 'cause every time you call
I play with this kitty like you play with your guitar
Run around with guys like me
'Til sundown, when I come through
I need a girl like you, yeah yeah
Love fun, yeah me too
What I want when I come through
I need a girl like you, yeah yeah
Yeah yeah yeah
I need a girl like you, yeah yeah
Yeah yeah yeah
I need a girl like you