這一首具有強烈批判與諷刺味道的西洋歌曲Beautiful people 拿鐵在聽完幾遍它輕快的旋律之後就幾乎就記住它的副歌旋律了,這一首Beautiful people西洋歌曲是火紅的人氣創作歌手<紅髮艾德>的最新力作,拿鐵聽完後覺得它與蔡依林前一陣子所推出的最新專輯主打<怪美的>有著異曲同工的味道存在,在輕快的旋律、淺顯的歌詞之下卻帶著批判以及反諷的意識存在於歌曲裡。
像是這一首Beautiful people講述著現代都市叢林的人們追求虛有其表、追求時尚以及光鮮亮麗的表面下卻忘了自己的內心、自己原本該有的樣子,創作者想要藉由這首歌表達著我們不應該盲目跟風去變成一般大眾所追崇的樣子或是穿著打扮,每個人都有自己屬於自己的優點以及個性;所以在這一首西洋歌曲Beautiful people的MV內觀眾們可以看到主角是一對樣貌平凡、打扮樸素的夫妻,在一次旅行當中意外的進入到上流時尚的生活圈內展開了一場格格不入的旅程,像是在草地音樂派對裡、奢華郵輪旅行或是晚宴的時尚派對場景當中可以看到這一對夫妻的打扮與喜好與周圍打扮穿著入時的人們有著衝突的違和感,就像是個平行時空兩個不同世界的人們!但是這一對夫妻依然愛著對方、眼中只有彼此,雖然周圍是充斥著這麼多的美麗誘惑。總之這一隻MV裡真的有不少場景都在打臉嘲諷這一些外表追求光鮮亮麗但是內心卻空洞貧乏的人們! 拿鐵覺得現實上一些所謂的時尚名流、名媛或是網紅看到這一支音樂錄影帶應該心中會醮到不行吧!?
另外這一首西洋歌曲Beautiful people 除了紅髮艾德之外,拿鐵注意到與艾德合作這一支西洋歌曲的另一個歌手,那就是美國節奏藍調男歌手凱利德,他雖然相當年輕但他可是2018年美國葛萊美獎提名的最佳新人之一,拿鐵會注意到他是第一次聽到怪奇比莉與凱利德合唱的西洋歌曲"Lovely",他們兩個也一起合拍這一支西洋歌曲的音樂錄影帶。拿鐵記得第一次聽完這首西洋歌曲時眼睛就已經泛淚,因為它的這一首西洋歌曲意境真的很淒美,它的歌詞講述失戀的人還是失去愛人的人試著走出這一段傷心又折磨的心路歷程,它用易碎的玻璃比擬成是失去戀情的人們脆弱的心,但思念卻像石頭般的堅定把有情人困住在玻璃屋內飽受想念的折磨,直到有一天能夠走出來為止.....拿鐵在想要是失戀的人好好聽完這首歌能夠體會出歌詞裡的那種意境一定會大哭到不行..
好啦~拿鐵就不要再囉嗦了!趕快回歸正題,請捧油們趕緊來欣賞這一首由紅髮艾德與凱利德兩位男歌手合作的西洋歌曲Beautiful people
Sundown and they all come out
Lamborghinis and their rented Hummers
The party's on, so they're headin' downtown
('Round here) everybody's lookin' for a come up
And they wanna know what you're about
Me in the middle with the one I love and
We're just tryna figure everything out
'Cause we are just ourselves
Gettin' out of this conversation, yeah
You look stunning, dear
So don't ask that question here
This is my only fear, that we become
Front row at fashion shows
"What d'you do?" And, "Who d'you know?"
Inside the world of beautiful people
Champagne and rolled-up notes
Prenups and broken homes
Surrounded, but still alone
Let's leave the party
(We are, we are, we are)
We are not beautiful
Yeah, that's not who we are
(We are, we are, we are)
We are not beautiful
Drove for hours last night and we made it nowhere (nowhere, nowhere)
I see stars in your eyes when we're halfway there (all night)
I'm not fazed by all them lights and flashin' cameras (uh)
'Cause with my arms around you, there's no need to care
'Cause we are just ourselves
Gettin' out of this conversation, yeah
You look stunning, dear
So don't ask that question here
This is my only fear, that we become
Front row at fashion shows
"What d'you do?" And, "Who d'you know?"
Inside the world of beautiful people
Champagne and rolled-up notes
Prenups and broken homes
Surrounded, but still alone
(We are, we are, we are)
We are not beautiful, yeah
Yeah, that's not who we are
We are not beautiful